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Keep Your Business Secure
Keeping your business safe is a consistent issue on any commercial corridor, but in the last year the area around Eastern Market has seen...

Retail and Restaurant Leaders Share What Works
As restaurant and retail businesses continue to open and evolve, you're probably thinking about how to keep your business relevant. That...

2019 Recipients of EMMS Grant Programs
Eastern Market Main Street Announces 2019 Grant Recipients (WASHINGTON) – Today, Eastern Market Main Street (EMMS) announced the 2019...

Trash Talk, Business Edition
Whether you are a business owner, manager, or employee, you need to know and comply with the District’s environmental and waste...

Sidewalk Cafes: Numbers to Operate By
If you operate a sidewalk cafe or plan to soon, here are numbers you to need to know: $260 - Fee for a Sidewalk Cafe Permit from DDOT; 45...

Increase Your Senior Savvy
Did you know that seniors, people aged 65 and over, hold an estimated 70% of all the disposable income in the United States? Your...

DCSEU Rebates: Save Money and Energy
Save money on energy costs now by upgrading to more efficient equipment with rebates from DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU). Business...

Claiming Your Business Online | Capitol Hill Business Session
Review presentations from the first 2019 Capitol Hill Business Session to learn more about Claiming Your Business Online with Google,...

Care for People Experiencing Homelessness and Your Business
Have you encountered a person sleeping outside your business and wondered what to do? By caring for people experiencing homelessness, you...

Emergency Response: Plan to Stay in Business
You work hard to make your business successful, but emergencies can devastate those efforts. Protect your investment and community by...

Announcing the 2019 Grant Programs
Eastern Market Main Street (EMMS) is proud to announce the third year of our small business grant programs! The mission of EMMS is to...

2018 Recipients of EMMS Grant Programs
Eastern Market Main Street Announces 2018 Grant Recipients (WASHINGTON) – Today, Eastern Market Main Street (EMMS) announced the 2018...

Capitol Hill Customer Survey Summary
From March 15 through April 15, EMMS partnered with The Hill is Home to conduct an informal Capitol Hill Customer Survey! Our objective...

2017 Recipients of the Façade Improvement Grant Program
(WASHINGTON) – Today, Eastern Market Main Street (EMMS) announced the 2017 recipients of their Façade Improvement Program. The grant...
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