Take the orange, blue, or silver line to the Eastern Market station. Head left off the escalator to walk up Pennsylvania Avenue SE towards 7th Street SE and the United States Capitol.
Circulator Bus (EM-LP): Mon-Sat, every 15 minutes, from L'Enfant Station to The Wharf to Navy Yard to Eastern Market and back.
Circulator Bus (CH-US): Mon-Sat, every 15 minutes, from Congress Heights Metro Station to Anacostia to 8th Street SE to Union Station and back.
WMATA Bus: Routes with stops near Eastern Market Main Street include 30N, 30S, 32, 34, 36, 39, 90, 92, DCN22.
Use I 695 South, 6th Street SE/Navy Yard exit, or I 695 North, 8th Street exit. Head north towards Pennsylvania Avenue SE.
Metered parking is available on Pennsylvania Avenue Mon-Sat , and on 7th Street Mon-Fri. Paid parking decks are located at 777 C Street SE and 650 Pennsylvania Avenue SE.
Please note that 7th Street SE between North Carolina and Pennsylvania Avenues SE and a portion of C Street SE is closed to vehicular traffic on Saturdays and Sundays for the outdoor market.
Bike lanes leading to Eastern Market can be found on North Carolina Avenue SE, South Carolina Avenue SE, and 4th, 6th, and 11th Streets SE. Capital Bikeshare stations are located on the Eastern Market Metro Plaza and near Rumsey Aquatic Center. Bike racks are also available on Pennsylvania Avenue and 7th Street SE, with 30 more scheduled for installation in Spring 2019.