Eastern Market Main Street (EMMS) is proud to announce the third year of our small business grant programs!
The mission of EMMS is to capitalize on our historic assets and entrepreneurial culture to promote and retain our diverse, small businesses through the Main Street Four-Point Approach: Organization, Promotion, Design, and Economic Vitality. One of the ways we fulfill this mission is through direct financial support for the small and local businesses on the corridor. EMMS will offer two grant programs again this year - the Technical Assistance Program (TAP), intended to encourage investments in capacity-building business projects, and the Façade Improvement Program (FIP), intended to stimulate improvements to commercial buildings and help build a stronger business community.
NEW THIS YEAR: EMMS will offer grant applications and guidelines in English, available now in Business Resources, and Spanish, available in early 2019.
The program is generously supported by the DC Department of Small and Local Business Development.