If you operate a sidewalk cafe or plan to soon, here are numbers you to need to know:
$260 - Fee for a Sidewalk Cafe Permit from DDOT;
45 to 90 days - Average timeframe for the permit application process;
36 inches - Maximum height of fences and planters around cafes;
15 - Square feet per seat (seating capacity equals total square footage divided by 15);
10 feet - Sidewalk space to keep clear between cafe and curb or nearest obstruction;
8 feet - Minimum clearance for awnings with a maximum valence height of 12 feet;
$5 - Taxed per square foot yearly for unenclosed cafes, $10 for enclosed cafes;
2 to 5 - Permits involved: DDOT Sidewalk Cafe Permit (required), DCRA Certificate of Use (required), Building Permit (enclosed cafes only), Electric Permit (cafes using electricity), and ABRA license (if serving alcohol);
0 - The number of people who enjoy this process.
For more need-to-know information, check out: